Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Wing Backs are getting a Makeover!

I'm sooo excited about finally getting my wing back chairs recovered. I acquired these from my hairdresser because she knew how much I had always wanted to fix them up. She was redecorating her house and couldn't find a place for them, so offered them to me! 

I am so thrilled to be getting these on the upholstery list! They have waited their turn behind many projects including this one!

I have had them since we moved to our new house, which is almost 3 years now and its their time! I cant wait to post the makeover!

This is who usually enjoys the chairs, as you can see!

I am putting white leather on them with nailhead trim around some of the piping areas. I am also going to strip the legs of the dark finish and pickle the legs.

So I'm hoping they turn out similar to these!

(yes, I know the legs are different, but Im looking for something similar to the finish on the legs and the nail heads, this is just an inspiration idea)
Stay tuned!

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